
Cell structures

1. Mitochondria.
2. Ribosomes.
3. Golgi apparatus.
4. Endoplasmic reticulum.
5. Lysosomes and vesicles.
6. Chloroplasts.
8. Cell wall.
9. Centrosomes (centrioles).
10. Cilia and flagella/pili.
11. Plasma membrane.
13. Nucleus (DNA, nuclear membrane, nucleolus).
14. Cytoskeleton.

Homework due 24th April 2019

1. "The world without us".
2.  Explain the assigned relationship and find an amazing example of it (provide at least one image).

La tecnología CRISPR ha democratizado la edición genética

Read this text and answer the questions.

  1. When was the first paper on CRISPR first published?
  2. Comparing to other technologies, what makes CRISPR so special (give three characteristics)?
  3. What is the main issue when editing DNA?
  4. Describe how Montoliu is using CRISPR to study albinism.
  5. What is the problem about using viruses as vectors? What is the solution?
  6. What is Montoliu’s opinion about Jiankui He’s experience?
  7. What is the alternative to editing embryos suggested by Montoliu?
  8. What is Montoliu’s opinion about GMOs?
  9. What is his opinion about the so called “Bio-agriculture”?