


1. Go over each of the following traits and determine if you or your relatives exhibit the phenotype. Also view the presentation that shows pictures of these traits at Human Genetic Traits
You can add more traits or diseases.

Trait Description Yourself Your relatives
Ear points (Darwin's Point)

Tongue rolling

Plays a sport

Attached earlobe

Plays an instrument

Hitchhiker’s Thumb

Upturned Nose



Bent little fingers

Curly hair

Short big toe

Eye Color (blue?)*

Straight Hairline (not widow's peak)

Chin dimple or cleft

Hand clasping, left over right thumb

Hair on middle joints of fingers

G.P.A. (grade point average)of 4 or above (A students= 10 students)

Ring finger longer than index finger**

Likes broccoli

Arm folding ­ fold arms across stomach, is left on top?

Popularity (how many consider themselves popular)


Gap between front teeth

2. Make a pedigree of your family showing the treats you share with your relatives (you can use colors to represent each treat). (Note: circles:women).

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