
Assessment criteria. Unit 2.

  • Define: triplet or codon, anticodon, homologous chromosomes.
  • Describe the structure of the DNA (double helix, polynucleotide/nucleotides, complementary bases, nitrogenous bases, deoxyribose, phosphate group, hydrogen bonds).
  • Explain how DNA folds to form chromosomes.
  • Describe the structure of a chromosomes and differentiate between the four types of chromosomes.
  • Differentiate between the structure of the DNA and the structure of the RNA.
  • Know who discovered the structure of DNA.
  • Explain how a protein is synthesized:
    • Transcription.
    • Translation.
  • Given a strand of DNA, replicate it, transcribe it and translate it (using the given genetic code).
  • Explain what the genetic code is and its main characteristics.
  • Describe how DNA replicates.
  • Know the three kinds of RNA.
  • Outline the stages in the cell cycle (G0, G1, S , G2, mitosis and cytokinesis) and the major events of each stage.
  • Describe the events that occur in mitosis and name its phases.
  • Know what a diploid cell and a haploid cell is and which cells are haploid.
  • Describe the events that occur in meiosis and name its phases.
  • Describe the process of recombination in meiosis.
  • Explain the purpose of meiosis.
  • Explain how cytokinesis occurs in a plat cell and in an animal cell.
  • Explain what a karyotype is.

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