
Assessment criteria Unit 3

    1. Define the following terms: genotype, phenotype, dominant, recessive, homozygous, heterozygous, gene, hereditary disease.
    2. Explain and predict probabilities of outcomes from genetic crossing involving one or two genes (dihybrid crossing) and:
      1. Two homozygous parents.
      2. Two heterozygous parents.
      3. One homozygous and one heterozygous parent.
      4. Sex-linked characteristics.
      5. Linked genes.
      6. Codominance.
      7. Intermediate inheritance.
    3. Explain a sex determination cross.
    4. Understand how to interpret family pedigrees and to find out the genotypes of the members of the family.
    5. Know some examples of inherited conditions: haemophilia and colour-blindness.
    6. State Mendel’s laws (name and conclusions) and explain Mendel's experiments
      1. First law and first experiment : Crossing of two pure-breeding plants for one trait (tall/short).
      2. Second law and second experiment: Crossing of two plants from the F1 of the first crossing.
      3. Third law:
        1. Third experiment: Crossing of two pure-breeding plants for two traits (tall/short and purple/white).
        2. Fourth experiment: Crossing of two plants from the F1 of the third crossing.
    7. Explain the exceptions to Mendel’s laws: intermediate inheritance, co-dominance, gene linkage and genetic recombination.
    8. Know what a mutation is and the different types of mutations according to:
      1. The size: gene,chromosomal, genomic (aneuploidy and euploidy)
      2. The type of cell.
      3. The effect, giving an example of a beneficial mutation.
    9. Give an example of a genetic disorder caused by a genomic mutation.
    10. Give an example of a genetic disorder caused by a gene mutation.
    11. Explain what amniocentesis is.
    12. Explain what a molecular test is.
    13. Explain what a carcinogen is and name one example of each type of carcinogen.

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