
Cancer and evolution

Read this text and answer the questions.
  1. Vocabulary: to further;
  2. Use your textbook (and just your textbook), page 78, to explain what is meant by “Natural selection”.
  3. Explain the relationship between latitude, ultraviolet (UV) light and skin color.
  4. What is the advantage of having pale skin? .What is the disadvantage? I
  5. What causes skin to become paler?
  6. Use your creativity to illustrate the evolution of humans according to the description in the text and explain the reason for those traits (if your excuse not to do this activity is that you don't know how to draw, have a look at this video):
    1. First hominids.
    2. Bipedal hominids.
    3. Humans left Africa.
  7. Why does natural selection further a mutation that causes cancer (read the text and then try to explain using your own words).
  8. Why are “adult individuals” no longer important in evolution?

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